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How to achieve equity and inclusion in the workplace

On October 27th, 2020, come discuss with Chloé Freslon to learn more about tokenism and unconscious biases in the workplace.

It's no longer much of a secret that diversity is good for business. But what happens when companies use diversity as a sales tactic that isn't backed by internal policy, inclusive hiring, and respectful work environments? We will discuss tokenism and unconscious biases, as well as their impacts on marginalized groups and businesses.


Discussion panel

LGBTQ+ realities in science

To raise awareness about issues faced by people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community in an academic environment and more specifically in the fields of science, the DiPhUS Committee organized a discussion panel. If you were unable to attend this panel, it is still possible to view the recording.
Topics covered included how to implement practices to promote diversity in a research group, the lesser-known difficulties faced by people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, the impact of infrastructures adapted to non-binary people, and many others.

Our panelists

Lindsay Leblanc - University of Alberta
Séré Beauchesne Lévesque - Groupe d'action trans de l'Univeristé de Sherbrooke
Sarah Grefe - Rice University
Kyle Doucette - Coalition des familles LBGT

We would like to thank our moderator Alexandre Bégin, as well as the Department of Physics at the Université de Sherbrooke.


Social activities

5@7 Networking

Each semester, the DiPhUS Committee holds a networking activity bringing together members of the Physics Department. This activity is an opportunity to learn more about the members of the Committee and its actions. You can register for the next edition via the following link.


Scientific outreach

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

This day, an initiative of UNESCO and UN-Women, celebrated every year on 11 February, is an opportunity to promote the place of women in all fields of science.
In 2020, several members of the DiPhUS Committee participated in a scientific outreach day in several high schools of the region. The objective of this activity was to raise awareness among young people and teachers about the low representation of women in science, to awaken their scientific curiosity and to show them diverse role models of people working in scientific fields. We would like to thank the Institut quantique and Département de physique for their assistance during this day. Wanting to replicate the experience, we invite you to contact us.

Departmental seminar

Departmental survey on members' perceptions of EDI

In order to get an idea of the needs and wishes of all members of the department regarding diversity and inclusion issues, in 2018, we set up a departmental survey.

View the results

Scientific outreach

La physique : formation unique, destinations multiples

This presentation, developed by Sophie Rochette, a Ph.D. student in Département de physique, aims to demystify a person's journey in physics.


Help Resources and Conflict Resolution

This interactive workshop is designed to expose to the students, the faculty members and the professional and support staff the support resources available on the main campus of the Université de Sherbrooke. This activity is presented in two parts, first a panel presenting the various resource persons followed by round tables to explore different ways of resolving conflicts that may arise in a research group and in a study environment.

Our panelists

Soucila Badaroudine - Ombudsman des étudiantes et étudiants de l'Université de Sherbrooke
Isabelle Duclos - Conseillère en matière de respect des personnes.
Marie-Pierre Lefebvre - Service de psychologie et d'orientation
Agathe Riallan - Coordinatrice de l'Équité, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion (ÉDI) à la Faculté des Sciences
Eve Langelier - Titulaire de la Chaire pour les femmes en sciences et en génie au Québec

It will soon be possible to consult the developed documents regrouping the various support resources as well as a summary of the activity.

Consult the documents